Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Plans for the week
Tuesday - Lower body strength and W2 D1 of the 100 pushup plan done
Wednesday- TM run 3 miles done
Thurday - upper body W2D2 pushups nothing
Friday - HIIT TM only 1.67 miles of HIIT (tummy issues) and W2D2 pushups
Saturday- Stationary bike and lower body strength training
Sunday- Long run
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Exercise Plan for the Week of December 8-14th
Monday- Week 1 day 1 100 push up plan and upper body workout in the morning Done
TM easy run after work Didn't happen
Tuesday- 30 minutes on the stationary bike in the morning Nope, but did a 3.9 mile TM run after work
Wednesday- 25 minute HIIT in the morning nope nothing done
W1D2 100 push-ups and Leg workout did this on Thursday
Thursday - Swim in the morning No
Evening Upper body workout No
Friday - Off
Saturday - Run outside or TM depending on weather, try for longer outside run 4 mile easy run
Sunday - Stationary bike and swim W1D3 push-ups no bike or swim but did do pushups
Actual in red
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I RAN!!!
Running miles
November: 33.1 Mi
October: 43.7 Mi
September: 53.1 Mi
August: 50.5 Mi
July: 50.4 Mi
See a pattern here...I've got to change that and get some more miles in. It looks like I will make 500 miles for the year which I'm pretty happy about, this being my first full year runing.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Lite on the training heavy on the eating
My food has just been out of control...I'm not even going to get on that scale and see the bad news. Just try to get back on track.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Bad Blogger
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Knee pain...and rambling...
I've also been looking at joining CWW (Colorado Wild Women) http://www.cww-triathlon.org/ a triathlon training group. Sounds like a pretty good deal at $350 for full season, with swim lessons, which I need, need, need....I have til January to think about it I guess.
Wow...a lot of rambling.. :)
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Don't I feel stupid!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Volunteering what fun!

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wow you can run without a Garmin!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Weekend workouts
Well I didn't make my goal to get to the pool twice this week, but I did get there today. I didn't work to hard at it but I did get wet. :) I started my workout by doing a 1/2 hour on the stationary bike and then on to one hour on the treadmill for a slow easy run. I moved to the pool, but only swam a few easy laps for 20 minutes. It did feel really good to be in the water. I have got to find the time to get it in so that I can work on my breathing. I have so far to go before next spring. I plan on getting some swimming lessons in here some time also. Just not sure when. Maybe after the first of the year. I want to continue to work on my strength training with the trainer class for a few months. I do think I'm on track to increase my running mileage, although I would have liked a longer run this weekend.
I'm excited about next weekend and volunteering at the Denver Marathon. I've never been to a marathon before, in fact I've never been to any race that I haven't run in and I've only run a few. I hope I am able to spend some time at the finish line seeing some of the people cross and cheering. My duties will be in the food tent, so I'm sure to see most everyone I would think.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Great running!!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Swimming and running
1. Continue with the strength training class
2. Swim twice a week.
3. Weather permitting get on the bike at least once a week. (Would love to have one of the trainers, but really not in the budget, so as weather gets bad will have to go to a stationary bike, never taken a spin class, but I think that will be happening this winter also.)
4. Increase running miles, I want to hit 58 miles this month.
Well that should be enough. :)
Let's see what we can do!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Thoughts from my bike ride...

Friday, October 3, 2008
My life as a sit com

Sunday, September 28, 2008
First 10k complete!
Now the only issues I had (besides that bathroom thing. ) I was getting the goose bumps during the last mileish...why is that...dehydration ? Did it during the triathlon too. I will have to google.. And after the race when I was stretching, my left calf kept wanting to cramp up. Did that the other day too. Hmm...more potassium?
Friday, September 26, 2008
This is just one of maybe 5 that I have right now...and actually my legs are looking pretty good, compared to this summer when I first got my bike and started riding. My thighs were both solid bruises....Tell me how do I manage to kick my ankles? Is that were they come from?
So I have a 10k race coming up on Sunday. I hate calling it a race, because well I'm really only "racing" myself. And since I've never done a 10k before, well I'm guaranteed a PR right? I'm a little bit nervous about two things. 1. I don't want to be last, and 2. well it's put on by Panera Bread, I hope there is still food by the time I finish. :) I would love to do it in under 1:15 that would be great for me. I don't know if I can or not. I'll let you know on Sunday.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Mysteries of life....
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lazy Sunday
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I live for downhill!

I guess I'm not an animal...
Funny isn't it how when your thinking about something you come across something that pertains to it. I was just commenting that I don't think I push myself. I don't know if I just don't like the pain or I'm lazy or I just don't know how. I may push myself to exercise, but I don't push myself to run faster, or to not walk. If I feel tired I will walk, when in reality I know I could run farther. Now I know that I obviously have pushed myself some to get to the point I am, but I don't know that I push myself enough....no that's not right.... I know I don't push myself enough.....I think I want to be an animal...but do I have what it takes?
Running hurts. It always has. Woolly mammoths didn't just roll over onto a plate and serve themselves up to prehistoric man with fries and a shake. They had to be caught - and running down woolly mammoths was a bitch. Guess what?Running is still a bitch. But one with a purpose. It teaches us that good things do not come easy. It teaches us that we are capable of more than we think. It teaches us that hard work will be rewarded and laziness will be punished. Don't expect to learn those life lessons from running's shiftless stepchild, jogging.Next time you
suffer on the roads or trails, suffer proudly. It means you run like an animal. ~ Pearl Izumi
Thursday, September 18, 2008
This pic shows how I feel about waking up this morning feeling really good after a darn good tempo run last night. Now I'm a slow runner, and I may always be a slow runner (even though I'm taking steps to become a faster runner.) Last night I did a mile warm up and cool down, mostly walking and a tempo run of 3. 38 at 12:56 pace, and that includes watering the dog 2 times during those 3 miles. So I'm pretty happy with it. And this morning, no pain anywhere. Yahoo! Recently I have also come to the conclusion though that I have a hard time pushing myself. Now that may sound funny, considering a certain amount of pushing is required to go from a non exercising person to completing even a sprint triathlon, but it seems I stop short of pushing myself toward any real work. When I run I tend to stop and walk before I get to uncomfortable and I know I should push myself to keep running. I'm sure the same is true of all my exercise it just happens to be most noticeable to me in my running. I need to work on this...
This picture also shows how I feel about the fact that I am going to ride my bike for the first time all month!!!! I'm so excited!
Hurts so good!
Good morning!
I hope I'm not the only one now singing. Hurts so good...come on baby make it hurt so good.....
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Wow I did it, 8 count them 8 miles!

Friday, September 12, 2008
When you gonna take me running?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Pretty easy my A$$!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Results Group
I have not gotten any riding in yet this month...or swimming for that matter... bad Julie. I missed the riding this weekend. It's harder for me to do on the weekends I have my kids. My focus has been the running since that is my next thing on the calendar, the 10k in 3 weeks. But that does not mean I can let the rest of it fall by the wayside. Winter is going to be so hard. I need to write a schedule, I do much better with some kind of training guide. I have my running planned out for the next 3 weeks any way, I have the personal trainer classes 2x's a week for the next 2 months, just need to figure out how/where to fit in the rest.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Slow week....
So my objective is to figure out what to do from here, where to go, and what to do to be able to compete better and stronger and longer (I would like to do at least an oly) next year. Input?
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Decision made
And on that note had a pretty good ride yesterday. Forgot my helmet...grrrr...so had to pick up a new one at the bike store, but that's ok a spare is good. A couple of the girls that went with us were in from out of town and don't ride much. They rented some bikes. I struggled some, would guess in part because of the 6 mile run the day before and in part because of the absolute crap I've been eating! The route was not real hilly but had one 3 mileish hill which climbed about 300' (not big by many, maybe even most, people standards) and one smaller steeper hill, and then just some rolling stuff. 33.8 miles, 2 flats on the rented bikes, but other then that good.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Attitude adjustment day
And then it was off to the spa where I spent 3 1/2 hours being scrubbed, rubbed, extracted, waxed, and polished...ahhhhh what a day. Met a friend for a little shopping and some dinner....Nice, very nice, in fact doesn't get to much better then that.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Let's see what it's all about!
Sunday rides....

Happy Sunday all!
Good day so far! Went on a 45 mile bike ride this morning/afternoon it was fantastic! We took a bike path that goes clear across Denver. It is a very flat ride along the river the whole way. Some day I would like to do more of it, but for today this was a good start. Kind of funny because we were about 10ish miles into the ride and looking at downtown on the horizon and I said I can't believe we are going to ride that far. So we rode through downtown and kept going and finally when we were reaching around 22ish miles we turned around to head back. When we were stopped to turn around we looked back at where we were headed and it was at least as far back to downtown as I had seen from the other side. Kind of cool to be looking at it from the other side. Then I took my bike in to the bike shop and had them adjust a few things. The front brake was rubbing, had them put on knew pedals and adjust a couple of other things. He told me I needed to oil my chain, which I came home and did. (Note to self: I need to get on line and see about some basic things I should be doing to keep my bike in order.) He was just amazing..just fixed up these little things like that. Of course he probably does it a 100 times a day.
So also at that 10ish mile mark I was thinking about running a 1/2 marathon....and how far we had ridden and I was trying to imagine running that....can't....but would like to I think.
Monday, August 18, 2008
What next?
Ok so you know what it's kind of funny, I was thinking while riding about wanting to do another tri before the end of the season here...and I have two things that are holding me back...no 3 things I think...
1. Money...
2. The ones I'm looking at are farther into September and the water will be getting cold...I'm afraid of wet suits....ok maybe not the suit itself, but getting in and out, how I will look...renting one (not ready to buy) and I don't know what other things
3. Will I look like a full with my bike "Sissy"...it's not a road bike, it's a girls comfort bike, and while I do ok with it, I wonder if I will look really funny....
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Easy run...
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Did I mention it was raining here?

I was awoken to thunder and lightning about 3:30, got up around 5:30...well maybe it doesn't look to bad, I think its slowed down....finally gets light..yea it's not that bad...get ready...drive to the race....the rain, it's getting harder, or seems so anyway...what am I doing...am I crazy....maybe I should just go home, no I've told everyone I'm running...it's only 1/2 hour right? I can do that...do I really want to run in this rain?....ok there's a guy standing there directing...RACE IS CANCELLED!! Trail unsafe.
I don't have to run in the rain and I didn't chicken out!
They won't let me!
The picture was taken during a brief lull in the rain this afternoon. It is usally a small maybe 2 feet wide creek. The path is one I run onsometimes and the one that I get on when I ride my bike to work.
Friday, August 15, 2008
It's been a good week!

Training (I prefer to call it training over exercise, makes me want to do it more, mind games you know!) this week has been good, really productive. I decided this week that I'm going to learn how to swim. Now I know that sounds funny considering I've done 3 open water swims at the Boulder Stroke & Stride and an open water swim in the Tri for the Cure, but that face in the water thing had just not been working for me. :)So I've finally learned to listen to the fishys and talk to the fishys (as the kiddie swim instructors say)...I was able to do a whole lap keeping my face in the water with proper breathing, well at least closer anyway! I feel like this is such a huge accomplishment! I also did my first real speed work in a run. As I'm sure I stated above I am a very slow runner, so I did 3 x 800's at about a 10:00 pace, well ok actually one was 11:00 the other 2 were 10:00. For me this was another huge jump. I actually started to feel like some day I could be a faster runner!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I'm a Triathlete!!!
So that brings us to race week. The Saturday a week before the race, we gather for a long bike ride and one of the tri buddies (and at this time I've not heard from the girl in the springs for months) says she will not be able to do the tri because of a medical treatment she will have to have this week. She is so bummed and we are bummed that she will not be joining us. On Monday night the other tri buddy calls and says she has had a medical issue and also will not be able to participate...She is reallly bummed!!! The first girl made the choice herself, the second had no option. I am really bummed as well as a little nervous because now what started as 5 seems to be....me! I'm a Buddy with no buddies! (You can and we did sign up in a Buddy classification instead of age so that you can compete with your friends) but I never considered not doing it. I figured with 3000 women, I would find someone to talk to! Yes this was an all women's tri, and very large, but I also knew that there would be all sizes, ages and athletic abilities so I felt pretty comfortable.
Ok I'm running off for a bike ride......I will be back to post about race day later!
Ok well didn't get back to this as quick as I thought I would....
So sleep is something that just doesn't happen much before the night before. I was a wake a lot. But at least I know I won't be late. I head out pretty early get there by about 6:30, the traffic is kind of bad getting in, probably the only real downside and even that wasn't that bad. I look around in wonder at all the people, get body marked and find my transition area. It's set up by waves. Turns out I set my transition area up right next to 2 girls I met at the Stroke & Stride! How excited was I to see some faces I knew! I got all set up and wondered around to get my bearings, find the in's and out's of the bike and run and then go over to cheer for some of those that have already started. The first wave went at around 7 and I wouldn't be going til almost 9. I was surprised that I really wasn't nervous. I felt prepared. I'd not done a swim to bike, but I wasn't worried as I really thought that would be easier the the swim to run's I had done. So it is finally time to line up for the swim, we are almost the last wave, I wait with the girls from the S&S and we chat about next year and what we want to do. Finally we are in the water...the gun goes off....and it is a struggle to get away from the rest of the people. I pretty much take it easy (although it does not look like it from one of the very worst swim exit pictures I have ever seen!) because I don't want to wear myself out. Pass quite a few people, as I knew I would, I'd seen the times from the year before some people took close to and over an hour for the swim, knew I could do it in around 20ish minutes. Out of the water and over to find the bike. It was a pretty good distance and I walked fast but did not run. Feeling pretty good about things, got my shoes on ate a quick gel and some Gatorade, did I mention it was around 90 degrees. And took off with my bike, lined up on the wrong side of my bike for some reason so when it was time to get on I had issues...and I have the bruises to prove it! But once I got started it was good, passed quite a few people, went back and forth with one group, I pass, you pass...and so forth, not sure what finally happened to them. The course was almost all flat, one pretty longish hill, not real steep, but right in the middle of the ride. Felt like I pushed it pretty hard on the bike and felt good. Back to transition, another gel, more Gatorade and off to the run. The run starts uphill to get up on top of the Dam road across part of the Dam and back, I walked a lot, I passed quite a few people...walked a lot...looked around at all the line of people walking out...walked a lot...And ran it in (downhill remember!) smiling and happy! My Dad brought out my 2 boys to see me cross the line and the 2 girls that had trained with me were there with flowers. How great it felt!
My Dad looked at me with suprise and maybe even some awe and said...you don't even look tired! I felt great and ready to do it again!
Overall place 1717
Rank Class 185
Swim 00:22:14
T1 00:07:11
Bike 00:43:06
T2 00:05:25
Run 00:39:19
Pace 00:12:41
Final Time 01:57:17