Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bad Blogger

Well haven't been here for awhile. Mostly because I've nothing to report. As you can tell from my totals for the month it's been a little slow. Somewhat of a slump going on here. I've just kind of been floundering since my 10k with nothing to train for and my strength class being over. My goal for November is to exercise at least 15 minutes everyday. So far I've done well. I've gotten a few yoga sessions in and actually went to the pool and swam for 20 minutes after riding the stationary bike yesterday. Now to get back on the running track... I had a whole 5.3 miles this week...tisk, tisk.

1 comment:

Calyx Meredith said...

Blogging and training are both cyclical, aren't they? Glad you're getting your goal minutes in even if the mileage is a bit down. I'm sure when you're ready, it'll all pick back up! I think the quieter times are every bit as important as the louder busier times.