Or how nice of the fast girls to stay home!
Or is 666 my lucky number?
The Colorado weather finally decided to warm up this last week which is fantastic but it was not enough to warm the water at the Rez much. I spent a few minutes hours this last week worrying about getting in the water for my first open water swim. I called the recording at the Rez once numerous times to check the water temps. "The water temps are 61 degrees and the deep end of the swim beach will not open unitl the temps reach 64"...great I can hardly wait. I gave a little thought to changing to the Du when I was reminded about it after seeing a post from Aimee at I Tri To Be Me but then decided I might as well bite the bullet and get in the water as I'm not sure I'll have another chance before the Boulder tri series kicks off in two weeks.
At packet pickup I checked the roster and find there are only about 7 people in my age group. This is a pretty small race, which would make it that much nicer to use as a "practice race". After arriving home I figure it must be time to find all my stuff, that's been hiding since last season. Luckily it came together pretty easy and I didn't forget anything. I slept really great which I was surprised at, must be due to the fact that I really wasn't thinking of this as a race just a brick workout and a chance to get things together. I did start getting a little nervous on my way up and it was really nice that when I got into transition and looked over two rows who should I see but Aimee setting up her area.

Me and Aimee
She has a very calming way about her and I felt like I instantly relaxed. As I set up my area I joked with a few of the ladies around me. It was nice and relaxed and they were a friendly group. Before long we headed down to the swim beach thinking we were getting ready to go...but that was not to be as apparently the ambulance had not shown up yet and we were being delayed. Not wanting to get in the water to early we just stood around and chatted some.I had a gel and wished for some water to wash it down with. Finally it appeared we were getting close to starting so it could be put off no longer I headed down to the water. I slowly made my way in...standing on my tiptoes and holding my arms out of the water (I have a sleeveless wetsuit) as I lost feeling in my feet adjusted to that I decided it was time to go under. Shocking yep that's what it was....do it again...and again...swim a few feet...ok I think we can do this. Finally about a half hour late we were finally set to go. I was in the last wave of 6. Things started out a little slow, I just couldn't quite get going. I couldn't find a rhythm and breathing was a bit of a struggle. I could tell though that I was staying with the group as I approached the first turn I was finally getting it together some and I was passing some of the slower people from the wave before me. At the next and last turn we joined those doing the olympic distance, I just kept my head down and kept swimming. I felt like I did a fairly good job of sighting and swam all the way in. It was a run up the hill and into T1.
SWIM- 750m- 19:38I was happy to see that what appeared to be almost all the bikes were still there. I was really shaky in T1 which was very weird. I don't know if it was the cold or what, but could feel my hands shaking and I felt a little unsteady, I sat down to dry my feet and put my shoes on, I was worried at first about the unsteady feeling but went about my business and headed out. Note to self...work on transitions
T1 3:18 (yea I know)Heading out of the Rez there is a hill, not a huge hill but hill and I always struggle with, cold from the swim and don't have my legs yet I decided that I would just spin easy and warm up a little. The first 6 miles of this ride is a steady gradual uphill, I continued to spin and was happy to find that I was passing some people. I continued to try to keep a high cadence on the bike but to also push it a little. This year I'm trying to learn a little bit more about just how all those gears on my bike work. I was feeling really good on this ride I went back and forth with one guy, he ultimately passed me and I couldn't catch him but he finished in my sights, and I was feeling good knowing he had started long before me. Until we joined up with the olympic riders I really wasn't passed at all and I was watching for women in my age group and never saw any. I felt really good every time I passed a 20 or 30 something female. I really have to say I felt pretty strong on this ride. I feel like I pushed but I'm pretty sure hoping that I didn't give it my all and that I will be able to do it a little faster in 2 weeks. One thing to work on is not getting sucked into riding along behind someone because I don't think I have enough in me to pass. I need to just give it a go and if they end up passing me again, so be it.
Bike 1:00:34- 17.2 miles (17.2 mph)Again, way to much time. All though I hadn't noticed on the bike as soon as I put on my shoes I could tell that my toes or more the whole front of my foot on both feet but mostly my right were pretty darn numb. Not really sure why that is. Usually if I have a problem it's on my left foot and it's a little different feeling.
T2 2:12 (yep still sucky!)Right out of T2 I hit the port-a-potty. It would be really good if I could learn to hold it for a sprint, and truthfully I probably could have but I always worry that I'll get out there and not have a bathroom. Again at the start of the run is a hill...I hate hills, biking running it doesn't matter I hate hills...I tried to run but I believe I had a bit of a walk break. There were lots of people around me but again all of them were olympic, and fast. I was feeling pretty good for the most part and just kept plugging along. I had a few walk breaks, passed up the first water station but had another gel and some water when I passed it on the way back. As usual the run is hard for me although I felt like I did ok. Again I pushed myself but I'm hoping that I can pick it up a little in two weeks. It was nice to pass Aimee (the Du started long after all the tri waves) in the first mile of her 2nd run, as I was in the last mile of mine. Gave me a little pick me up.
Run 5k - 35:02 (11:18 pace) Total 2:00:42 (I find it funny that the first place guy in the Oly finished in 2:00:40)

After seeing Aimee finish I went over to check the on the results, imagine my surprise when I was listed as second in my age group! I had thought there was a possibility of being close to the top, I mean after all there were only 7 of us! The girl in first was wayyyy faster than I and actually ended up placing 3rd in the overall awards so you know what that means....FIRST PLACE IN MY AGE GROUP!!!!

As I was the only one there I felt a little ridiculous and didn't give Aimee much time to snap a picutre.

Wow...how about the bags under those eyes!
Apparently 666 is a lucky number for me.
That's an awesome report! Congrats Tammy on a fine race!!
Keep that "lucky" number!
666 - take that Dameon from The Omen (am I dating myself? Probably) - you OWN 666 now!
Congrats JULIE on such a fantastic race and AG placement. How fun to see Aimee...did you two plan that? Cuz she found me a couple weeks ago at Runner's Roost - that crazy girl finds us all!
Now it's Century time...bring on Lookout Mountain! :)
666 - take that Dameon from The Omen (am I dating myself? Probably) - you OWN 666 now!
Congrats JULIE on such a fantastic race and AG placement. How fun to see Aimee...did you two plan that? Cuz she found me a couple weeks ago at Runner's Roost - that crazy girl finds us all!
Now it's Century time...bring on Lookout Mountain! :)
I was so happy reading your race report!! You did such a great job! I would have loved to be there with you and Aimee!!!
I think your transition times are fine. I would rather lose a couple minutes in transition and make sure I've discarded my helmet or tied my shoes correctly...but that's just me. Hey...I'm the silly one taking my foam roller to T2 with me this year :D
Do you try spinning out your legs the last mile before pulling into T2? If I can get up to 100-110 or even 120 rpms for a little bit before getting off the bike, it really helps get the blood back into my feet.
Sweet! Way to win your age group. That's just awesome!!! Way to go. Enjoy your recovery.
Awesome job!
So awesome! My cousin, Julie also did the same race! :) Congratulations!
Congrats on your AG WIN!! That is AWESOME!!!!
WAY TO GO!!! My first sprint was about the same distance, your bike may be a little longer and my time was 1:59 and change. We'd have a blast racing together!!
WAY TO GO on the podium. I would have to enter a race where there was 3 or less competitors on my age group to win it.
Well done you!
Congrats on the AG WIN!!!! SO awesome!!!
Congrats on your placing! Nice job on the race.
It's funny about the number. I noticed the person that had 666 at the race I did this weekend and commented that I would think they'd skip that number.
Congratulations on your tri, and for such a great finish! Looking great on that podium!
nope, the fast girls didn't stay home. YOU ARE ONE OF THE FAST GIRLS.
The 666 thing would have totally freaked me out, but looks like you made it work.
Flippin 1st in your AGE GROUP. AMAZINGGGGGGG!!!!! Congrats! That is so awesome. Who cares if there were only 7 in your AG. That is fabulous!
That water was way to cold to swim in. Way to cold. Good job!
Congrats on the age group award! That is awesome!
Congrats! How awesome.
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