Friday, August 29, 2008

Attitude adjustment day

I've been having a pretty bad attitude of late. I'm not sure why. I do think part of it is work, but I think a large part is I keep thinking winter is coming soon. I have had such a great summer running and riding with friends that I don't want it to end! So I decided I needed an attitude adjustment day and took Friday off from work. I made my plans. I did a long run. A very, very, very slow long run. I kept putting it off, but finally went out and did it. Cut it short at just over 6 miles instead of the full 7 but I had already run past my car once and just couldn't do it again. Besides the dog was pretty much done. Yea that's right...I'm blaming the dog. It was a pretty good run though a path that I had never run. Lots of places to potty and drink which is great! I was hoping to get closer to 55 miles this month but looks like I will just get a little over 50. I'm ok with that.

And then it was off to the spa where I spent 3 1/2 hours being scrubbed, rubbed, extracted, waxed, and polished...ahhhhh what a day. Met a friend for a little shopping and some dinner....Nice, very nice, in fact doesn't get to much better then that.

1 comment:

Calyx Meredith said...

Oh, that sounds like a TERRIFIC way to turn the attitude around. Well done.