Monday, May 21, 2012

The weekend...

As some of you may remember I was supposed to do a metric century this weekend. Unfortunately they ended up canceling it Friday evening  due to a fire in the area and the poor air quality. I was kind of bummed, but a canceled ride is nothing compared to what the people in the area are going though. Thankfully because of a cool wet Saturday they were able to get some control of it.

As I said it was cool and wet Saturday morning, my plan had been to take my car to the shop at 8 and do short 30 minute run know that rain started right as I was about to leave the house. I went back and forth with myself on if I should call for a ride instead of running. I started to dial the phone at least 3 times before I just decided to HTFU and run in the rain. And as usual it was not near as bad as I thought it would be, although I’m not sure I would have wanted to run to much longer. I even managed to make it to the pool! After 7 weeks of no swimming I didn’t expect much but I did manage 1000 slow yards.

Sunday was a beautiful day for a ride! The temps were perfect and although I didn’t get in a full metric century I did get just a bit over 40 miles in.  I stuck to the bike paths, some of the ones around my area are amazingly empty and it was really quite nice. Even though they are flat I actually find them kind of challenging because of the fact that, like being on the trainer you really never get a break you just keep pedaling.  

Questions and observations from a weekend of training.

Why do some men feel the need to wear bike shorts and tuck in their t-shirts?

Why do so many people that ride wear gloves and no helmets? Are their hands more important than their heads?

Why do people take a lap lane and then just hang out at one end, the other end from the one where you would start, and never swim a single lap?

Why do people not understand sharing a swim lane when the rest are full?

Why do people wear head phones and then ride down the middle of a bike path?

Over all a good and productive weekend! Hope you all had a great weekend too!


Jill said...

YAY for a good and productive week for you; a sign that things are going to turn around for you, I think! :)

Stupid forest fires!! One day last week I went for a run outside and my eyes were watering like crazy from that smoke. So good that rainy weather came though ... so good for the homes around the area!

I had to laugh at your observations! Tara and I have a slew of "wtf is wrong with those people" at every pool lap swimming we do. Haha. She's pregnant and sassy and that's all I'm going to say on that one! :)

We gotta get a ride together soon. I haven't been since we rode together at Chatfield :(. Keep up the great work, girlie!! xo

Terzah said...

Reminds me of when they delayed the Boulder Half that fall because of the Four Mile Canyon Fire--hard to whine when homes might be in danger, but it is frustrating!

Nonetheless, you had a *great* weekend with all three kinds of workouts. And you sound very grounded.

Hey, if you want to, Julie, Dan's doing the Dash n' Dine at the Reservoir again tonight. I know you might have to battle traffic, but I'll just be out there spectating with the kids again. If it doesn't work, we will meet this year at some other venue.....

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Why do some men feel the need to wear bike shorts and tuck in their t-shirts?

Man card violation!!!!!!

Why do so many people that ride wear gloves and no helmets? Are their hands more important than their heads?

I rather be alive and look dumb with a helmet, then dead without one, geez people

Why do people take a lap lane and then just hang out at one end, the other end from the one where you would start, and never swim a single lap?

AND they refuse to share the lane!!

Why do people not understand sharing a swim lane when the rest are full?

I am to the point now, when I ask if we can share a lane really means, we are sharing a lane whether you like it or not, I am just being nice and letting you know we are

Why do people wear head phones and then ride down the middle of a bike path?

another NO NO!!! Seriously people!! Lets try to stay alive

Diana said...

I have to say that I've never seen any men tuck their bike shirts into their I probably will after reading this!
I admit....I wear my headphones while biking-not every time-but most of the time. I'm a very observant though....I watch EVERYTHING.
Running in "not so friendly" weather conditions always seem to be some of my best runs!!
Congrats on getting 'em all in there!

Tara said...

Oh I have an answer to all of your questions girlfriend: because the world is filled with stupid people! And Jill is right, I am pregnant and sassy and this makes the stupid people even stupider (yes, i made that word up).

Congrats on your good ride and productive week! Maybe the cancelled ride will light a fire to ride in another century. I know when I miss a race or something, I am that much more motivated to do the next one.

Kathy said...

Great week! Love your observations - WHY, people, WHYYYYY?
Bummer about the metric century, but good job getting out there. I was pleased to note that the smoke didn't affect my running. How about you?

Aimee said...

Hi Julie!! I just thought I'd check in and say "hi!" I hope you're doing well! Are you still doing the Evergreen sprint tri? Maybe you, me, and Kathleen could meet up to check out the bike course one of these days! Let me know what you think!

Unknown said...

I like your questions. :) I'm amazed how many people skip helmets. I'm thinking they would say it's a comfort thing. The gloves are comfortable, but the helmet isn't?

A Prelude To... said...

Great questions!I ask myself this all the time: "What the hell????" People are weird :p

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