Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What's going on and what's coming up!

So what's been going on?

Training last week:
89.11 Mi
6h 37m 53s
9.50 Mi
1h 52m 52s
Missing there is any swimming...the week was only so-so in getting things done. In addition to missing the swimming I missed a run too. It was some what of a crazy week in that Josh, my oldest son made the decision to join the Marines. There were meetings with recruiters, little sleep for me, and tests and physicals for him. He is signed up on the delayed entry program. He will not go for a year when he graduates high school. I'm a mix of emotions. Proud, scared, sad, excited for him, you name it I'm feeling it. And I've just come to the realization that this is our last year, the last summer for being together. Wow.

Food has been atrocious...you name it I've eaten it. A step on the scale this morning has scared me straight...things must change.

I've been reallly tired, I'm sure that is mostly attributed to the lack of sleep and just needing to catch up, as well as no chance to sleep in over the weekend, and by sleep in I mean anything past 6.

What's coming up?

I signed up for the Bolder Boulder 10k again this year. It's on Memorial day. Last year was my first year to do this race although it is in it's 33rd year and is a huge race, one of the largest I believe. The first wave leaves at 7:00am and the last 9:22. I'm excited to do this race again. It's a fairly challenging run with many hills and I'm pretty sure I'm in better running shape then last year so hope to do much better, but we will see.

A tri?!?!?! My first tri of the season is in like 2 1/2 weeks....um hello! Can you say open water swim!!! I am not ready to get in that water! If you recall this past weekend it was only 36 degrees when during much of my bike ride. Now granted this race isn't even a C race but more of a practice race, or even just a good workout. I got the entry free for volunteering at another tri so I guess there is always that chance that I could opt not to do it...however usually once signed up for something nothing will keep me from doing it, but wow it seems to have come fast!

Then just the weekend after that is the Denver Century, nervous about that. Feel a little better having the metric done but that's still a lot more miles and a few good climbs. I will need to get some miles in in the next few weeks.

So that's what's going on and what's coming up. Lot's of work to be done and hopefully lot's of fun to be had!


Diana said...

I'm sure you'll do great at your 1rst tri!! They are so much fun, you'll get bitten like everyone else!
That's mixed emotions for me too in regards to your son. I'm thrilled to have people like him in our country who give up so much so that we can have our freedom-God Bless him and keep him safe!

Julie said...

Thanks Diana, and I edited that to add first tri of the season, not my first tri.

Anonymous said...

Boulder 10K! YAY have fun!!!!!(aka mamarunsbarefoot)

adena said...

Is it wrong that I want to hear how the open swim goes in that weather? Reason number 1 that I only do tris later in the season. I don't like wetsuits or cold water much. GO GO GO!!

A Prelude To... said...

Can't wait to hear how your first tri of the season goes!!!! You're going to have a blast!

Anonymous said...

10ks are fun-ish!

Your first tri is so soon-good luck! Race report plz!

Al's CL Reviews said...

Bolder Boulder and Peachtree 10K compete for the largest 10K.
Both fall on holidays so it goes against my rule of doing them (no exercise on a holiday).

You will do great on your first tri of the season.

Congrats to your son! Helluva job choice. You must be so proud. Tell him thanks!

JohnP said...

Do the tri - you can do it! I dont doubt that it will be cold. but it'll be an adventure! :)

Big Daddy Diesel said...

Have fun at the 10k

I was complaining to friend about not getting any OWS practice because of the cold weather, my firend said, "doesnt matter, no one else is getting OWS because of the cold water"

She was right, it will be a level field because of it

Matthew Smith said...

Doesn't life get busy? And, you still find time to workout and train! Good for you. You're going to rock on your tri's, runs, and rides. Don't stress too bad; just enjoy it!

Jennifer said...

You will rock the tri and the 10K! Proud of your son but I share the mixed emotions. How does your other son feel about his brother signing up?

Jill said...

Ditto on the tired, eating everything in sight, overly busy. I can't wait for June.

I've done the BB many times and it's always a good time; hope the weather behaves. The upcoming tri is so exciting; can't wait to hear how it goes!! Suppose to be a great weekend in Denver so that'll be some great training weather for ya! And you can come and swim laps in my driveway right now!! :)

Aimee said...

What tri are you doing? You are going to do awesome!!
I wish the weather would make up its mind and warm up so we can do some warmish OWS!!!