Sunday, November 23, 2008

Lite on the training heavy on the eating

Well the title pretty much says it all. While I have been exercising, I've not spent any time to speak of either swimming or biking. It was my goal to exercise every day in November for at least 15 minutes. So I've done a bit of yoga, some Taebo DVD's, strength training and running. My running mileage is way down. Only 26.9 miles this not so good. I've had such a hard time with the idea of going out to run at 5am when it is so darn cold. Friday though I did do a bit of an HIIT run at the rec center in the morning and that worked pretty well so I will continue to do that. So while my mileage may be lower I think this will help a lot with my speed and endurance. I'm kind of following the Body for Life recommendations. I'm still looking at the strength training plan but think I will try to follow it also and see what happens. At any rate so far I've only missed 2 days of exercise this month. I feel pretty good about that.

My food has just been out of control...I'm not even going to get on that scale and see the bad news. Just try to get back on track.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bad Blogger

Well haven't been here for awhile. Mostly because I've nothing to report. As you can tell from my totals for the month it's been a little slow. Somewhat of a slump going on here. I've just kind of been floundering since my 10k with nothing to train for and my strength class being over. My goal for November is to exercise at least 15 minutes everyday. So far I've done well. I've gotten a few yoga sessions in and actually went to the pool and swam for 20 minutes after riding the stationary bike yesterday. Now to get back on the running track... I had a whole 5.3 miles this week...tisk, tisk.